Get Outsourced for Happiness - Happeace - Foundation..!
Why not transform Your Vocation (Job or Work) to Vacation (Holiday)..? That is what I Teach/Learn/Share and Inspire others - to do so..!
We are looking for Passionate Person/s to manage our Local & Global Happiness - Happeace - Foundation Campaigns..
1 Currently I am :
Creating New Services and Products
2 These include - &/or - are Related to Holistic Personal / Professional Development, Health, Healing, Harmony, Happiness [Including the Science Art & Miracles of Happiness], Inner Peace, Local & Global Peace.
3 Expand Marketing and Sales (with Passion),and enlighteningly - enhancing - awareness for my Brand [Happeace ® ™ ]’s Services and Products
4 Promote my Talks, Seminars, Workshops,[Vastrad Happeace ® ™] Centres for Fun, Creativity
5 Creating Happy Empires, Retreats [On Holistic Health, Healing, Harmony, Happiness, Inner Peace, Local & Global Peace,
6 My Immediate Next Course of action would be:To invite/Attract advertising clients for my “Happeace® ™-Time” Online/Offline - Local & International Magazine/s, Multi-Media Projects Locally & Globally..

If you have any references/testimonials, please include for your advantage.
To Connect, Create, Contribute, Cherish and To - Get Outsourced for Happiness Happeace Foundation - You can also browse about my profile and areas of interest by clicking here.
Please write to me - how best - we can proceed on/in most cost effective way - & - forward a proposal tailored to my specific marketing needs.