Happiness Happeace Blogs

Happiness is the Birth Right of each Human being.

You are High, Net Worth Being since the Birth. Are you aware of this? Are you aware of your Value and Your Values?

Are you Genuinely Happy?

At Times, even Many, Times Perhaps YOU might have Wandered and Wondered about Some Thing missing in your life, some sort of Vacuum, Void, some thing not Fulfilling in Some area/s of Your life…

By subscribing to the blog You will discover - How to Live – And Let – Others Live the Fulfilling Life – Full of – Fun, Purpose – Peace - Passion – Vision – Mission – Success – Enjoyment – HOLISTIC - Health – Wealth - Joy – Contentment – Connection – Creative – Contribution - Caringness – Sharing-ness…?

Unique Happiness, Peace, The Happeace Harmonizes Richest High Net Worth Humans

Happiness Uniquely Unleashes Wealth of Infinite Intelligent Inspirational Possibilities via The Happeaceology. The Joyful Wealthy Science, Arts, Magic of Happeace Holistically Fulfils Quality of Life

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Prime Quality Of Life Events

Soon We will be Announcing Our coming events for This Year and Next Year...!

Continue reading "Prime Quality Of Life Events"

Get Creative

Getting Creative Is easy By Following Your Passion

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Continue reading "fun-and-creativity-global-projects"

Get-Outsourced-For-Happiness - Happeace - Foundation


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The Inspiring Happy Difference

The Inspiring Difference

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Happiness, Holistic, Health

Happiness, Holistic-Health of men are key indicators

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About-us, Happeace, Best-Happiness, Happeaceology

Continue reading "about-us,Happeace,Best-Happiness,Happeaceology"

Happy Investments

Happy Investments are for Happiness of You and Others

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During my Happy and Joyful – Journey - I have met many Happy and Joyful People. I have been profoundly, Gracefully – Grateful to them, and their Associates.

Continue reading "Happy,Pictures"



Continue reading "Precious-Information"

Blog for Money & Money For Blog

Why not Make money by from your Creative - Passion, Intention and Deep Desires..!

Now You can Bank-On with the Blogging To The Bank LINKS – Why not create highly profitable long term niche blogs?

Then magnetize-monetize.

Why not give it a Try. If you follow methodically - You can Laugh to the Bank .!

Follow the link Below & Join those who are making More Money from the Blogs

Click Here!

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Happiness-in-2010, Happy-New-Year for Happiness, Happeace, Happeaceology, Joy and Much More

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My Celebrity Look alikes..!

We have to UN-CONDTIONALLY enjoy the present moment. The time is NOW. Also THE - TIME in Sydney [Australia] NOW is:

I am Passionately involved with my Team in creating The:

– World – H A P P E A C E Projects.

These include - producing Purpose driven Interesting - Inspirational-International Multi-Media Multi-purpose - Projects to create The - World – Happiness – Peace – Prosperity to improve your quality of life and of others you meet , encounter, touch, move, inspire directly and or indirectly through creating win-win solutions / SOULutions, leverage / LOVErage.

Expressions of interest to participate are invited through any of the web enquiry form/s here at:https://www.high-net-worth-happiness-happeace-now.com

We Strategically Specialize in Creating Inter-active Learning And Teaching Programs, for Fun, Creativity, Prosperity and even much more, and, Magnificent-Movies, TV series, andMulti-Media Projects that Empower- Enrich - Enlighten, Intelligently - Insightfully - Inspire and Metamorphose Human Beings to make a significantly positive or intelligent - inspirational shift to progressively better levels, through Creative Holistic Personal, Professional Awareness – Apt – Actions – Development – Evolution and Transformation.

Mean time we will update here at the web site.

© Copyright 2009 Dr Raj Vastrad. HAPPEACE ® ™ is Registered Trade Mark

It is the Time to have some Fun..! So check out my My Celebrity Look alikes..!Smile..!!


Continue reading "My Celebrity Look alikes..!"



Continue reading "Healing-Holidays"


Just having Fun, playing with creating the Google AdSense to the web-site. You can see - some of them working already.. - on the Happy-Body page - the link is as below [or use NavBar on left] - Just Scroll down to the Distal part of the Happy-Body page...!

Continue reading "VastSense"



Continue reading "Happiness,Vision,Passion,Purpose,Mission"

World's Best Free TV What an interesting concept

WOW - Time is Flying...!!

Just returned from India, with short stop over in Singapore.

During my overseas trip - One of my friends told me how to make money by watching following TVs / Videos...!

Unlike other TVs / Videos, they make you money, instead of costing you! It saves you time...

Simply - Click the Permalink Below -- for full blog post and Enjoy

Have the world's best TV, free

Continue reading "World's Best Free TV What an interesting concept"

Happy – Holistic – Health Update

Happy–Holistic–Health Update:

The evidence is becoming quite compelling that sun exposure (that causes us to make Vitamin D) will help lower the risk of many cancers, including breast and prostate cancer.

Research is now showing that the human body can cure itself of cancer provided that it has the right raw materials available - and sunshine is one of those critical.

[raw materials will be added in the next blog/s!]

When it comes to breast cancer, another important finding is that women who wear bras excessively (up to 24 hours a day) are 113 times more likely to get the disease than women who wear bras less than 12 hours a day.

Courtesy/Source: Don, USA

Dr Raj Update:

Excessive Sun without proper protection can be damaging to skin causing skin lesions including premalignant skin lesions/solar keratosis.

Lack of Sun light can cause Vitamin D deficiency/impaired Vitamin D metabolism leading to Rickets in children and Osteomalacia in adults. [Osteomalacia is softening of bone grouped under broader bone dysfunction called Osteopenia!]

So one of the Keys to the Holistic Happiness is–Holistic–Health by keeping the things in the Right Balance!

Continue reading "Happy – Holistic – Health Update"

Happiness in 2010..! Are You ready Make The 2010 The Best Year - so far ?

And Ready to Take Your Best Actions NOW!

Are you ready for that Next Best Step?

What matters most in life– is what You want to do NOW–Right NOW![Irrespective of who you are or what you have done in Your life so far ]

What matters most in life are :



Unique-Purpose–Passion, Vision, Mission

By Aligning - Balancing and Connecting with them You can create the Magical 2010 & beyond!

the Key steps To succeed and to in

Any thing You want achieve during 2010 [or any time for that matter]depends on many Factors - which I will be addressing through out the Year 2010 and Beyond in Blogs here & other strategic pages on this site.

Part of the following Factors are taken from different segments of my eReports, Special Reports, Talks, Seminars, Mentorship programs etc:

Factor 1:


Quality of your Awareness decides- directs–derives–drives your Momentum, Action–Interaction, Response and Follow-up.

Whatever Creative Action You want to take – You must know The Why!When Your Why is Big Enough the How will be taken care of by the Super – Intelligence [which you will come to know as Your Awareness Expands]

So until next Time–Explore that Why & Enjoy the process.

Any questions/suggestions/feedbacks – please do forward the same through any of my/our contact forms.

Yes most important–whatever creative thing You want to do or Achieve–Always Associate-Another factor called the Fun Factor [which by will be addressed later on in the Future Blogs]

Until next Time–Have Lots Happiness +Peace [Happeace], Joy and FunDr Raj

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